Quynn 2 flew off the needles this afternoon just in time for school pick up and 84 degree weather. The knitter in me is so ready for Autumn.
By modifying the garter brim on this hat you get such a different look. I'll be playing with that even more.
Besides being a super willing and adorable knitwear model, Simonne just finished her very first week of school and she lost her first tooth! I wrote a little bit about my feelings on losing baby teeth years ago when Jorn started. If you're interested here is the post. I still feel strongly that this is such an interesting developmental time that goes beyond just the physicality of it.
And, as usual, Quynn 2 project details, more pics and my mods can be found on Ravelry. I wish everyone a lovely weekend! xo Spidey
PS. find me on Instagram as spiderwomanknits