Love Through the US Postal ServiceToday was a good mail day. No bills today, just bliss.
Anna Maria Horner - Good Folks - Adriatic Fat Quarter Set
(from Etsy Seller A Fabric Outlet)
And some Bare Yarn for my first ever natural dye endeavor! I am so excited!
(Anyone have any good links or advice to share about dyeing with plants?)
You know, I've been really blessed with my Etsy shop in the sense that I feel it has been a successful venture. I started my vintage shop without any expectations and so that makes it really easy to feel good about how busy it's been. In just 7 months (with a two month baby break in there) I have matched 179 items that could have been lost to time with their new rightful owners.
I am not boasting here, trust me, I am going somewhere with this. 179 items means almost 179 packages that had to be shipped. Sometimes I stop to think about that and realize that if I hadn't started an Etsy shop I wouldn't have shipped that many things in three lifetimes let alone a few months! I have shipped literally all over the world and I am in the Post Office at least a few times a week. So, I've gotten to know my local post clerks quite well and that, my friends, isn't an easy thing to do. It took a while for them to get used to me and for me to get used to them. That is a whole 'nother post for another time. I "get" the grief, I really do. But I wonder how often these guys stop to think about just how much happiness they are spreading around the world? Sure, sure there are more bill days than bliss days for most of us but don't the bliss days just leave you on cloud nine for quite a while? I am not much of a shopper but I *love* getting packages in the mail. Oh, for me it is just one of my favorite things.
So tomorrow or the next day or whenever I am back in the Post Office again I am going to thank these guys for bringing pure happiness right to my doorstep. It's not often, in this day and age, to say that that is part of your job. Bringing happiness to people. That is a really good thing.
Speaking of deliveries don't you just wish that things were still delivered in old crates like this instead of cardboard boxes? I was lucky enough to find two old crates this weekend on my hunting trip that will find a spot somewhere in our home once they dry out and once they find their proper place I'll be sure to share.
Oh, and if you have the time head on over to Red Comb Farm! The brooder is done and Greg is blogging.