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August 08, 2012



I am right there with you, my friend. We are all nature lovers down here and relish the time we spend with her as well. I think it's paramount to our well being as human beings to connect with nature as often as we can. It heals the soul and calms the mind in our present day world of raw nerve ending mentality. I also want to say how interesting about your phone photos, they look very similar to the old Chroma color shots I grew up with back in the 50's and 60's when they were all the rage. Thank you for taking me back to a precious memorable time in my life and for the relaxing breath of fresh air.


Yes, Marie :) Every time I drive somewhere(even to the grocery store) I appreciate my surroundings but there is no substitute for actually getting out there and into it.

I use an app on my iPhone called Instagram that allows me to filter the pictures for those effects. Very nostalgic for sure!

The Life of Clare

What a beautiful area to live! I've started becoming more active, which I think is funny, because it's the middle of winter!


Oh, where are you in this beautiful world and what are you doing to
stay active in winter? I'd love to know :)

On 8/18/2012 9:08 PM, TypePad
Notification wrote:

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Hi Abi,
Life of Clare ([email protected])
has left you a comment:

What a
beautiful area to live! I've started
becoming more active, which I think is
funny, because it's the middle of

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