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August 19, 2012



Oh boy, I hope you do make some available, even if it's limited. I'd love to try it!


It's really lovely. I'll be sure to let you know if I do :)

On 8/19/2012 6:17 PM, TypePad
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Hi Abi,
has left you a comment:

Oh boy,
I hope you do make some available,
even if it's limited. I'd love to try

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Mousy Brown

Wow how cool! I can only imagine how exciting that must be...grow your own yarn!! :D

The Life of Clare

I love the whole process of hand spinning and knitting. My grandma gave me a spinning wheel a few years ago and haven't been able to get my hands on very much fleece since then. Alpaca wool is just lovely!


How utterly ethereal! You've just taken knitting to it's origin. I can only imagine how people back then must have felt creating their clothing and accessories for winterwear from the fleeces of their beloved animals. I think the projects you create from "the boys'" fleeces should be handed down to your kids,or grandkids, especially if this is the first time you are using Indy and Hayden's fleece. I would be hard pressed to give any of their yarn up too.


You are a terrible tease. I've wanted yarn from their coats since the day they came to live with you! I think I may end up stalking the Etsy shop!

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