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January 08, 2012



I was wondering how the chicken processing went since it was the last entry. Glad you're back, and I'm excited to see what you've got cooking!


it went really well! we did 10 one night after greg got home from work to get our groove back and then a friend watched our kids for an entire day over the weekend and we processed the remaining birds. all by hand. they were real fatties! averaging 7.2lbs. some we just split right down the center so we have two "chicken halves" for the grill come spring and summer. the rest were frozen whole. they are delicious! it was a success.


Welcome back!!! Looking forward to reading about all that you mentioned! xo


thanks corinne :)


Yeah! I keep checking every few weeks to see if you had come back. Things are going well here in the desert. In fact I'll be having a great giveaway starting tomorrow for soapnuts if you want to drop by! I love that hat. I don't know what I'd do if my camera broke.


So good to hear your voice again! I follow your blog through Ravelry. Your hard work is always inspiring.


Yay! You're back! I've been wondering where you'd gone... I haven't had time to leave a comment, but I was thinking about you.

Melissa Bramble

Good to see you back, Abi! I was thinking about you recently when I was on Rav.

Things are going pretty well over at Hermit Thrush Hill. I'm trying to get Sean onboard for doing another round of meat chickens--what breed did you raise?


Yay and Happy New Year!


it was so hard not having my camera. i had my cell phone camera and ipod but it's just not the same. thanks for the heads up about your giveaway and about the hat and for sticking with me! xoxo


thank you so much julie xoxo


and i about you too! hope all is well! glad to be in touch again xoxo


hey melissa! silly sean, doesn't he want some good eating? ;) these guys were monsters but they were the best. they were jumbo cornish cross from murray mcmurray. we raised them until approx 10 weeks (but that was longer than recommended, we just couldn't get to them sooner) and averaged a 7.2lb bird dressed. the smallest was 6.9. you could easily raise these until 6-8 weeks and end up with a 5lb-er. they were vigorous, healthy, easy peasy to pluck and efficient converters. the meat on them is outstanding and full everywhere, breast, thigh, leg. we raised all roosters. i can't recommend them highly enough. hope that helps you win your argument short of me offering to come and help you pluck! ;)


hi libby! happy new year to you too! xoxo

Pam from Kansas

Funny - We don't know each other, but I have enjoyed your blog so. I did begin to wonder if you were abandoning it because you are so busy. I am glad you are back and sharing your knitting, animals and family with us.
We are hoping to get chickens for the first time this spring and I'm really nervous. Any good websites or books to suggest?


I love that you love pinterest - me, too!!!

Mousy Brown

Oh and me too! It is the most inspiring place and a great way to capture all those amazing finds around the internet! :D

Sonya-Dime Store Thrift

I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE BACK!! And YES I am shouting! Happy all is well and you have returned to us. I get attached. :)


Aw, thanks! I know exactly what you mean. Things are great, hectic, but great. I can't wait to catch up :) xoxo


it really is, i couldn't agree more. it's a curated eye candy extravaganza!! see you guys over there too :)


It's amazing. See you there!


Hi Pam , I have been really busy but mostly the camera breaking did me in. My desire to share starts first with images and it was hard doing without the camera for so long. But it was nice taking a break from looking at the world through that perspective too, just with my eyes. So different.
Congrats on your upcoming chickens! I'm so excited for you. We were so nervous when we started our first flock. Did you check out my post on starting your flock? That is all you need to really get you going. I don't have any physical books I refer to. Once you start picking up chicken feed and mingling with chicken folk they will be your best resource along with the pure joy and ease of taking care of them. Email me any time if you need to ask questions too! Have you picked breeds yet?



Welcome back. So glad all is well. I checked every day and really missed you. I really needed something good to happen today and here you are! Thanks. Happy New Year.


YAY! Happy to see you here again, Abi!!


wow, am I happy to have you back! I am glad it was just a camera. we've missed you! happy new year!


So happy to see you again!


I know just what mean. Our computer went down on the 5th of Jan. and it doesn't dawn on anyone just how much we come to depend on these modern little miracles of technology in our daily lives until we no longer have them around. Welcome back and glad to hear all is well with you and yours. Looking forward to your upcoming blogs and ideas, love them.

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