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April 01, 2011



The best part about this picture is that the subject of the naughty is the very boy that Bad Vet thought would not live. Kimba clearly thrives!


This looks like a Beatrix Potter tale...illustrated in a modern way.

Tera Rowe

Oh my what naughty kitties! As I was laughing and showing my 8 year old son his cat Gibby was climbing in my knitting bag trying to steal the body of a giraffe :)


Yes! He is so big and strong. The only thing that didn't change is his crooked tail. You see how it's really wavy in the picture? It's always that way. Gives him so much character. He really is the best and he and Simonne are still inseparable :)


LOL! Tsk, tsk, tsk :D Wild cats!!


silly naughty kitties! yay for kimba, though. he is so lively and frisky! our last kitty had a wavy tail like that. you could feel the bones in there kind of stair stepped and crooked. he was born that way and didn't seem to mind. :)


Where would we be without them...? :)


I adore this picture! Kitties are very naughty indeed. I wonder if it was an imaginary fly - that gets Sasha running around like a crazy girl. It makes me question my assessment that she is quite brilliant.


That is adorable - comittin' kittens, committing kitty crimes!


Great photos! Sigh we are in the country and we have dial-up, so I have been lurking but have had difficulty posting a comment and seeing your great photos. I just wanted to say that I love your blog!

Jenn Furber

Oh, my! This picture is amazing -- I hope you frame it and put it on the dining room wall. Wow -- this had me giggling.


ha. i love this photo. i've got some naughty kittens too. bad bad girls they are sometimes. lately pooping in the garden. so bad. i don't have the motion detector sprinkler hooked back up yet. .......and i like your blog a lot!! it has been a fun little place to look around this sunday afternoon!!! love.


Hi, I'm a new visitor and just spotted this post - what a brilliant photo, although I'm guessing you didn't think it was so 'brilliant' at the time! It's amazing what they can get up to when they're entertaining themselves, isn't it?

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