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November 30, 2010


Melissa Bramble

Abi, those pictures are so lovely! Thanks for sharing them with us. And thank you for the gluten-free stuffing recipe--Sean is allergic to wheat, and we've used that tapioca bread, too. :-) Hope you all are having a lovely pre-Solstice season.

Best wishes,


the world would be a better place if pictures of kimba girl were in every knitting catalog. :)


Love photos of your beautiful family. My middle guy (age 9) wants a guitar for Hannukah but i don't think he can get one without lessons and i'll have to figure out how to squeeze some into out schedule.

I totally agree with your girlie - i was looking at the latest interweave knits and there she was in the cutest blue dress with the most adorable smile. save every issue - these are priceless!

Sense of Home

Beautiful, in the moment, photos!



Thanks Melissa! Give it a try, it's so good. I hope you and Sean are having a great holiday season! ooxx




oh, i agree. jorn wanted a guitar for a year but wouldn't take lessons. he finally agreed last year but then we couldn't find a teacher who would take (a then) 7 yr old. he has a great instructor now and he's doing so well.

i am always surprised when i see one of the ads in interweave etc. it's *very* surreal. i have them all stashed away :)


thanks brenda!

Guitar Styles

Nice post!!..You really amazed me..I love your blog
Thanks a lot for this great information I like it so much keep posting such a nice post.I like this blog soo much.
.I'm so happy to have found your blog and I look forward to future visits.


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