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May 28, 2010



Newly discovered you today and loving it. Are these your bees and what is that frame, the bees appear to be "fenced" in (assuming they go out the top or is this new bees)? I'm new to beekeeping (none at home yet) & haven't seen anything like that, hope I'm not asking a stupid question.


hi maria! welcome! that is just the box that they are transported in. they just arrived! we are so excited :) in a little while greg will transfer them into their proper hive :)

Sonya from Permaculture Pathways

We've got bees too - they are great - nothing like your own supply of delicious honey straight from your own backyard. Sonya


hi sonya :) this is our first go at it! we are so excited! any advice you may have is always welcome.


Cool! I didn't realize you were starting bees, too! That's been on my list for a year. I have some old hives and I need to clean them and repaint them, then get a swarm in order to get started. Have you ever read the Rose Wilder Lane series of books? There is a great description of 'bee coursing' in one of those books. I always want to try it whenever I read it. Basically, they put out some sugar or fruit or something and then track the bees as they come for the sugar and take it back to their hive. Eventually they find the tree and then cut the tree down and get all the honey and share it among several families. It's fascinating! Don't know if it would still work today or not. But it's fun to think about, anyway. Good luck with your bees!

I haven't forgotten about your soap... just busy.

How's your garden?


Ahhh...the parallel paths continue...we started with one hive last year, and upped it to two this year (a his and hers). The honey is out of this world! Enjoy!


ha ha! i couldn't say anything because they were a surprise for greg's birthday. i actually don't know a thing about beekeeping but he knows a lot and has always wanted his own hive. so, now he has one!

i haven't heard of the books but will mention them to greg. it's really exciting have them here (the bees) i have to say that i am enjoying it quite a lot.

the garden is keeping me dirty and happy this weekend! it's almost all in! we moved the alpacas and then scooped all the poop to fill our raised beds. i think it will be a good thing.

oh, and don't worry about the soap! whenever the time is right. plus, it would just go to waste because i can't seem to keep clean now anyway ;)


i was thinking of you today! were you at mayfest? i was keeping my eye out as best as i could with the two little ones running in different directions! are you at the farmer's market this year? i'd love to get together!


I know what you mean about keeping clean! I laughed out loud at that comment. I just keep putting on the same dirty overalls with clean "necessaries," if you know what I mean. We are filthy all the time. I realize just how dirty, when I make a big effort to clean up and go into town and I'll glance down at my toenails or take the time to look at my palms and find dirt stains in the grooves. It's all relative, I figure!

The Rose Wilder Lane books all take place in the Ozarks and are written from Laura Ingalls Wilder's only daughter's perspective. They are great to read aloud to children, but they are also wonderful homesteading books! You should check them out at your library. The author is Roger Lea Macbride. In many ways I like them more than the Little House series. My kids loved hearing them, though, and I loved reading them.

Alrighty...time to get crackin'!


We had bees when I was a kid (we also had chickens and pigs--so I love seeing the pictures of the chicks! Happy memories)--The honey from your own hives is so awesome, and that happy hum of a hive is music. Enjoy!


Once again, I am blown away by you guys.


I'm over at the Walloomsac Market every Saturday - would love to see you guys!


you should have greg write an article to give us all the 411 on how to start bee keeping! would love to know! Your article about chicks was awesome!

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