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May 21, 2010



How exciting! your girls (and even guys) are adorable. I just ordered ours today from ideal poultry too - waiting over a week was torture but i couldn't find anyone to split the minimum order chicks with until this morning. Thanks again for all your help - i'm starting with three each of the black and red star and ameraucanas. of course my kiddos and i spent the afternoon learning everything we can about brooders - i cannot wait for your post. please post what you line the bottom with - i've read everything from towels to newspaper covered with mesh grid. so much fun! Happy weekend to you and your family!


Totally curious--why is the rooster free? Undesirable? And what the heck happens with 5 of them?! Is this a too many cooks in the kitchen sort of scenario? Me = city mouse.


yes, hatcheries always have an excess of roosters so they use them to 'insulate' chicks while en route to their destination. we only needed 15 welsummers so they sent along 5 to 'fill the box'. the less chicks you order the more roosters you will probably get.

then, it's up to us to decide their fate. until now we haven't been able to do anything but let them be roosters. i already found a home for at least one of these boys. the rest, who knows? :|


i am so excited for you guys too! and i can't wait to see your babies! i'll be sure to address that issue too with the Brooding post :)


Oh, my goodness, they really are soooo sweet!


soon, you'll have your own cuties :)


Utterly cute, they belie all the work and thought that goes into them! Thanks for the awesome pictures.

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