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May 02, 2010



Great photos!! The party does look like fun. I think I will deprive my future children of big family parties... My family is rather small (and annoying) and my boyfriend's family is rather annoying (and huge). So I'll start a huge family of my own without all the annoying stuff =)
I too wear aprons a lot, or smocks. I inherited some aprons from my grandmother which are starting to fall apart but I try to mend them every time a new hole appears.
The carrot cake looks so delicious, I think I will make it very soon! Yum.
P.S.: The photo of Greg and the kids is just beautiful.


Thank you for sharing your family's wonderful day, Abi!


What a great birthday weekend! Thanks for letting us in on the action. And a big happy birthday to Vaughn. Once I had my first child and his birthday approached, I thought that birthdays are really for the mother, even though we celebrate the child. Until you are a mom, you don't realize how each and every mom relives the birth of their child on each of their birthdays! I still find a quiet moment on each birthday to sneak away and read the birth stories I wrote after each child was born. And to relive the births in my mind. These are such special feelings. I feel the joy in your post... thank you.



So sweet, looks like a great day....and he kept the crown on, wow!


I love the birthday crown! I also love wearing aprons...what messy mother doesn't?!? I have TONS of vintage aprons. Whenever I visit the east side of Montana I make trips to the small town thrift shops and you can find some AMAZING handmade aprons from the 50s. Whenever friends come over to visit and comment on them I give them one. Babies first birthdays are bittersweet....my babe has one coming up soon and I know it will make me and my husband wonder if it will be the last first big day.


What a wonderful day you had and made possible. :) I promise I won't miss another one if I can help it!
That little guy is just so CUTE!!!


Sounds like so much fun! I'd love to make the cake and have to ask -- how butter butter is in a stick? I'm Canadian and the sticks I buy are 2 cups each; I can't imagine 4 cups of butter in a cake!

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