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April 28, 2010



Your family is so beautiful I hate to think of you in any kind of tumult, but...I'm happy to know its possible to weather it so gracefully. A million kisses for Vaughn the baby heartthrob!


I'm teary & I love you and that whole family up there in VT, I can't wait to hug them all some day! Happy Birthday Vaughn! You are the luckiest boy in the whole world!


Oh, congratulations! I have never commented before because I just have difficulty finding the time to do so, but I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your blog. My little girl turns one year old on the 17th of next month, so I relate a lot to the timing of your celebration. I look forward to hearing/seeing how you celebrate the occasion. Enjoy! And thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us!

Amanda Cathleen

happy Birthday V! Gosh what a cutie pie he is.


What a handsome little guy he is! I always find it amazing that babies come even when life is not perfect, and although adding another person to the family can be stressful all in itself... it seems that they bring the level of chaos down a few notches. It's hard to not see the beauty in life when you are holding a miracle, a little piece of life straight from heaven. We just celebrated our second son's birthday last Saturday, amazing how quickly a year can disappear.

Happy Birthday Vaughn!


I'm so glad that you blog, Abi, and that it makes a difference in your life. Your stand-up-and-keep-going attitude shines like Vaughn's smile. Happy Birthday, Happy Year, Happy Everything!


Have a wonderful time celebrating that beautiful and smoochable boy. Raise a glass to a less stressful year! See you...next week?


Happy 1st Birthday Vaughn. We have a first birthday coming up next week and the fun of it all brings tears to my eyes. The time seems to fly so fast.
Enjoy the celebration. And Thank You to you for the wonderful blog that brings such joy into my life by reading it.

Pam from Kansas

I have only discovered your blog a few months ago and have enjoyed reading it. You seem like such a happy family. Babies bring so much joy - just keep enjoying now and looking toward the future. Those dark days are in the past. My first grandchild just celebrated his 1st birthday this past weekend. His life has brought so much joy to the grandparents and his mom and dad who are also going through some tough financial times. But that smile makes you happy every day and a reason to get up. Happy Birthday to the boy!

Mousy Brown

Happy birthday wishes to your special boy - enjoy that party! :D


Congratulation on making a wonderful life worth living! Happy days ahead...


You aren't kidding about that smile - what a heartbreaker!

Glad you can look back and see how things have improved in the last year. I always enjoy visiting this space, so thank you!


Happy Birthday, Vaughn!
May all your family years be as wonderful as they are now and never to be like last again.
Hugs and love,

Jen from Flint, Michigan

Thanks for sharing. My little guy just turned one two weeks ago today and it is hard to believe a year has gone by. Hope you have a great celebration!


A very happy birthday, Vaughn!!
Oh my, he is so cute...I'm relatively new to this blog, but I am always so excited when you put up a new post (I hope you feel like a rockstar now *g*). I am happy that things changed from bad to so good for you! Thank you for sharing it with us, I always find that one can not only enjoy reading snippets out of others' lives, but can also learn a lot and find strength and hope.
Enjoy your celebrations, I hope you have wonderful sunshine and tons of cake! =)


I have sensed the ebb and flow of emotions over the past 18 months... the blog silence during your illness that had me so worried... the (now I realize) depression that almost had you abandoning the blog... the joyess news of Vaughn's arrival... the wonderful pictures of the emerging family business... the AMAZING news of not one, but two Berrocco shoots... I have watched the optimism that has returned to your life has permeated your writing these past few months and it is heartening to read. Vaughn may coincidently mark a multitude of changes in your family, but I believe and hope that years from now, the marker will clearly be seen to be mostly of positive changes. Happy Birth Day celebration!


What a beautiful little guy! Looking into his eyes - what an OLD soul he is! Congratulations and Happy Birthday!


OMG he looks so much like you. Wow.

I do hope to see you soon.

Sending hugs for everyone!!!!

Rural Mamma

A true beauty :) Thanks much for sharing! I had a tough time surrounding my second girls birth as well.. hers was a year and a half ago.. and we have some of the same feelings looking back as you share. Its hard to believe where a year or so can take a person and how much hope and change a new life can bring.. and turn around! Happy Birthday sweet boy!


Happy birthday to your sweet boy. I can't imagine having the appendicitis problem while pregnant! Makes him all the more special! We're unemployed now & it blows. I have a basket like the one with your knitting in it! It's called a hen basket or something. I got it in like the 70's when my Mom went to visit my sister in San Francisco! (she brought it back for me & I still have it...getting near to be an antique lol).


Happy Birth Anniversary to you, and happy birthday to Vaughn!

I really enjoy your blog and it's the only one I check as often as Jenna's blog.

Keep up the writing and the first-class living :)


How fast time goes by! And what a year it's been for you! Happy Birthday to that cute little guy. May he bring you even more joy in the the coming years!


doesn't life just take such crazy twists and turns? somehow as humans we have the strength to survive them. happy b-day your littlest one. and may the next year bring you much joy.

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